Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 26th September, 2023
1. Introduction
Welcome to Owl Debt Focus. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and how we use it. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to protecting it.
2. Information We Collect
Account Information: When you create an account with Owl Debt Focus, we may collect basic information such as your name, email address, and password to secure your account and ensure you have personalized access to our services.
Debt Data: We collect information about your debts as you input them into our app. This includes the amount of debt, the interest rate, the name of the creditor, debt term and other relevant details which are crucial to provide personalized recommendations and insights.
Financial Data: In addition to debt data, we collect other financial information such as your income, expenses, and savings to provide a holistic view of your financial situation and to better assist in managing and planning your debt repayment.
Usage Data: We collect data on how you use Owl Debt Focus, including the features you use, the frequency of use, and how long you spend on the app. This helps us understand user behavior and improve our services accordingly.
3. How We Use Your Data
3.1. Service Provision:
Debt Analysis: We utilize the debt and financial data you provide to analyze your debt situation, including calculating the total debt, estimating repayment timelines, financial health situatuation, etc.
Recommendation Engine: Based on your financial situation, we provide personalized debt reduction strategies and suggestions to help you manage and reduce your debts over time.
Progress Tracking: We use your ongoing data to track your debt reduction progress over time, helping you stay on track towards achieving your financial goals.
3.2. Customer Support:
Response to Inquiries: We use your contact information to respond to any inquiries or issues you may have regarding our app or services.
Troubleshooting: We utilize usage data and other information you provide to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter while using our app, ensuring a smooth user experience.
3.3. App Improvement:
Feature Enhancement: Your usage data helps us identify which features of Owl Debt Focus are most beneficial to our users, allowing us to prioritize enhancements and develop new features that meet your needs.
Performance Monitoring: We monitor app performance to identify any technical issues that may arise, ensuring the app runs smoothly and efficiently.
User Feedback: We may use surveys, user feedback, and other information collected to improve our app and services based on your feedback and experiences.
3.4. Communication:
Updates and Notifications: We may use your contact information to send you important updates regarding our app, services, or policies, as well as notifications related to your account or debt management progress.
Marketing Communications: With your consent, we may send marketing communications about new features, offers, promotions, or other news related to Owl Debt Focus.
3.5. Legal Compliance and Protection:
Legal Requirements: We may use your data to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal processes, as well as to protect the rights, privacy, safety, or property of Owl Debt Focus, its users, or the public.
Fraud Prevention: We may use your data to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud, security breaches, and other potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
3.6. Analytics and Research:
User Research: We may use your data to conduct research and analysis to better understand our user base, improve our services, and develop new offerings.
Market Analysis: We may analyze market trends and user preferences to improve our marketing strategies and product development.
4. Data Sharing and Disclosure Third-Party Service Providers: We may share your data with third-party service providers who assist us in providing our services. These may include, but are not limited to, advertising service providers such as Google AdMob, AppLovin Max, Mintegral, Liftoff, and Pangle. These providers are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.
Legal Compliance: We may disclose your information if required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process, or when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud or respond to a government request.
Business Transfers: In the case of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your information may be shared with the acquiring entity, subject to a different privacy policy. Consent: We will not share your personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes without your explicit consent.
5. Data Security Security Measures: We use a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information. These measures include the use of secure servers, firewalls, encrypted connections, and regular security assessments. Data Breach Procedures: In the event of a data breach, we will notify you and the relevant authorities as required by law, and take steps to mitigate the effects and prevent future breaches. User Responsibility: You are responsible for keeping your login credentials secure and for any activity that occurs under your account. Please notify us immediately if you suspect any unauthorized access to or use of your account. 6. Disclaimer
6.1. Owl Debt Focus is a debt management and assessment tool. We DO NOT:
Offer loans or financial services.
Provide services to clear debts or improve credit scores.
Guarantee results or outcomes based on the use of our app.
6.2. Users should:
Understand that the app operates solely based on the data they provide.
Seek advice from professional financial institutions or experts for debt-related issues.
7. Changes to This Policy
Policy Updates: We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.
Notification: If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you through the app, by email, or other communication channels to provide you with the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective.
Continued Use: Your continued use of Owl Debt Focus after any update to this policy will constitute your acceptance of the changes.
8. Contact Us
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [Insert Contact Information].